Can Vein Finder Ease Blood Draws and IVs?

Do you think your veins are difficult to find? You’re not alone. Approximately 30% of the population has trouble with finding their veins, making blood draws and IVs a challenge.

But what if there was a tool that could make these procedures easier – even for those with hard-to-find veins? vein finders can do just that, and in this complete guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about them.

From how they work to the different types available, we’ll cover it all! So keep reading to learn more about this handy medical device and whether or not they ease blood draws and IVs.

What is a vein finder and how does it work
For those who are unfamiliar, a vein finder is a medical device that uses light to illuminate veins beneath the skin. This makes it easier for healthcare professionals to locate and access veins, which can help make procedures like blood draws and IVs simpler and less painful.

The vein finder works by emitting a narrow, near-infrared light into the skin. This light is then absorbed by oxygenated blood in the veins, which causes them to glow or appear as a bright line beneath the surface of the skin.

Some vein finders also use thermal imaging to further improve their accuracy. This technology detects differences in temperature, which can be helpful in locating veins that are difficult to see.


Medical sharps in Portugal: a cross-sectional survey of disposal practices among the diabetic population

We randomly sampled diabetic patients representative of five primary care facilities. Inclusion criteria consisted in patients≥18 years old with an active diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM). Patients unable to provide written informed consent were excluded.

A total of 1436 diabetics were included.

Conclusions: Most diabetics have unsafe disposal practices for their biohazardous materials, mostly in unsorted household waste. We identified that being unemployed independently predicts adequate disposal of medical sharps and found evidence of low patient literacy on the topic, as well as poor patient education. Therefore, educating and raising awareness among healthcare professionals is crucial to address this public health issue.


Robot pill could help replace insulin injections for diabetics
A robot pill that delivers insulin directly to the gut could replace multiple painful injections for people with diabetes.

It can also deliver antibiotics – offering hope of battling superbugs with oral medications.

For patients and physicians, taking treatments by mouth is most desirable. Swallowing is safer, more convenient and less invasive.

But the drugs often cannot withstand stomach acids before unleashing their payloads for the intended effects. The degradation makes them less effective.The capsule, called RoboCap, could revolutionise therapy. In a swine model, it increased permeability for insulin more than tenfold.

Similar results were seen for vancomycin – an antibiotic that is usually delivered intravenously.

Lead author Dr Giovanni Traverso, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US, said: ‘Peptides and proteins are important drugs.

‘But the degradative environment of the gastrointestinal tract and poor absorption has limited the ability to deliver these drugs orally.’

About the size of a blueberry, the inexpensive device is made from biodegradable polymer and stainless steel components.

It makes it through the harsh environment of the stomach, resisting attacks from enzymes and penetrating the small intestine’s mucus barrier and other obstacles.

Currently, many common drugs including insulin must be delivered through other means.

Dr Traverso said: ‘When ingested, RoboCap’s gelatinous coating is dissolved in the stomach.

‘The environment of the small intestine activates RoboCap, which vibrates and rotates to clear mucus, enhance mixing and deposit the drug payload in the small intestine where the drug is likely to be absorbed.


Florida hospital nurse contracted monkeypox from needlestick, CDC says

A Florida hospital nurse was exposed to monkeypox through a needlestick in July, representing the nation’s first confirmed case from a healthcare exposure, the CDC said Oct. 17.

The emergency department nurse was exposed July 12 when recapping a needle that was used to pierce a lesion on a patient to access fluid for testing. The patient tested positive for monkeypox later that day.

The nurse received the first dose of Jynneos’ monkeypox vaccine 15 hours after the needlestick and continued to work over the following days while wearing a surgical mask and rubber gloves. Ten days after exposure, the nurse developed a skin lesion at the site of the needlestick and tested positive for monkeypox. The nurse isolated at home for 19 days, and no secondary cases were identified.

“CDC advises against unroofing, opening or aspirating monkeypox lesions with sharp instruments (e.g., needles) and recapping used needles because of the risk for sharps injuries,” the agency said. “Because of the reliability and sensitivity of real-time PCR assays used, vigorous swabbing of the outer surface of a lesion is adequate to collect enough viral material for testing and will minimize the potential for needlesticks.”

View the full report here

US biolab accidents going unreported – The Intercept

Some have reportedly involved deadly pathogens, and hundreds of cases have been kept from public view.
Directors of America’s biolabs have admitted to hundreds of dangerous accidents in the past two decades, but even incidents involving exposure to deadly viruses have been kept from public view, an investigation by The Intercept has revealed.

“People have it in their minds that lab accidents are very, very rare, and if they happen, they happen only in the least well-run overseas labs,” Rutgers University molecular biologist Richard Ebright told the media outlet. “That simply isn’t true.”
One such incident occurred in 2016, when a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis accidentally pricked her finger with a needle after injecting a mouse with a recombinant strain of the Chikungunya virus, The Intercept said. The student didn’t tell her supervisor about the accident until after becoming ill and seeking treatment at a local hospital emergency room.

The university disclosed the accident and infection to the NIH, where the report was kept under wraps until The Intercept came calling six years later.

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