The ‘London Patient,’ Cured of HIV, Reveals His Identity

A year after the “London Patient” was introduced to the world as only the second person to be cured of H.I.V., he is stepping out of the shadows to reveal his identity: He is Adam Castillejo.

Six feet tall and sturdy, with long, dark hair and an easy smile, Mr. Castillejo, 40, exudes good health and cheer. But his journey to the cure has been arduous and agonizing, involving nearly a decade of grueling treatments and moments of pure despair. He wrestled with whether and when to go public, given the attention and scrutiny that might follow. Ultimately, he said, he realized that his story carried a powerful message of optimism.

“This is a unique position to be in, a unique and very humbling position,” he said. “I want to be an ambassador of hope.”

Last March, scientists announced that Mr. Castillejo, then identified only as the “London Patient,” had been cured of H.I.V. after receiving a bone-marrow transplant for his lymphoma. The donor carried a mutation that impeded the ability of H.I.V. to enter cells, so the transplant essentially replaced Mr. Castillejo’s immune system with one resistant to the virus. The approach, though effective in his case, was intended to cure his cancer and is not a practical option for the widespread curing of H.I.V. because of the risks involved.

Only one other individual with H.I.V. — Timothy Ray Brown, the so-called Berlin Patient, in 2008 — has been successfully cured, and there have been many failed attempts. In fact, Mr. Castillejo’s doctors could not be sure last spring that he was truly rid of H.I.V., and they tiptoed around the word “cure,” instead referring to it as a “remission.”

Still, the news grabbed the world’s attention, even that of President Trump.

And by confirming that a cure is possible, it galvanized researchers.

“It’s really important that it wasn’t a one-off, it wasn’t a fluke,” said Richard Jefferys, a director at Treatment Action Group, an advocacy organization. “That’s been an important step for the field.”

For Mr. Castillejo, the experience was surreal. He watched as millions of people reacted to the news of his cure and speculated about his identity. “I was watching TV, and it’s, like, ‘OK, they’re talking about me,’” he said. “It was very strange, a very weird place to be.” But he remained resolute in his decision to remain private until a few weeks ago.

For one, his doctors are more certain now that he is virus-free. “We think this is a cure now, because it’s been another year and we’ve done a few more tests,” said his virologist, Dr. Ravindra Gupta of the University of Cambridge.

Read the full story here. 


More than 9 in 10 surgeons encounter a needlestick injury

According to a new global survey 95% of surgeons have either been personally affected by a needlestick injury or have seen a colleague experience one – increasing their risk of infection.

The survey looked at key opinions from 510 surgeons across six countries relating to infection prevention and the role of high quality gloves in improving patient and clinician safety. In particular, it demonstrated the importance that surgeons place on high quality gloves in the fight against needlestick injury and exposure to blood-borne viruses, like HIV.

The survey – the first of its kind undertaken – was conducted by SERMO for Mölnlycke, a world-leading medical solutions company.

Virus from needlestick injury
An estimated two million needlestick injuries occur among health workers each year, resulting in increased exposure to HIV, Hepatitis C and other blood-borne viruses. A needlestick injury can occur when a needle or other sharp instrument accidentally penetrates the skin, yet the underreporting to occupational health departments is well established.

The survey revealed that 93% of surgeons think that high quality gloves reduce the chance of exposure to blood-borne viruses and 83% said that the quality of gloves affects their sense of being protected from getting a needlestick injury.

Patient safety
According to the study 81% of surgeons believe that high quality gloves impact overall patient outcomes and 89% agreed that high quality gloves improve patient safety in the operating theatre.

When asked about glove failure during an operation, 78% of surgeons responded that it increases the risk of surgical site infections.

Commenting on the survey findings, John Timmons, Clinical Staff Nurse and International Medical Director, said: “Each year, millions of surgeons and their teams risk exposure to life threatening blood-borne viruses and this ground-breaking survey highlights the value that surgeons across the globe place on high quality gloves. Surgeons clearly recognise their role in both ensuring the safety of surgeons and improving outcomes for patients.

“Surgical gloves are one of the key factors that prevent infections in the operating room and should not be viewed as a commodity. High quality means fewer glove failures, yet we are increasingly seeing healthcare systems around the world prioritise price over quality.”

Health care-associated infections (HAIs) are the most frequent adverse event in healthcare delivery worldwide. Hundreds of millions of patients are affected by HAIs worldwide each year, leading to significant mortality rates. Of every 100 hospitalised patients at any given time, an estimated seven patients in developed countries will acquire at least one HAI or needlestick injury.

What is the safety Culture like at YOUR Healthcare Institution?

I recently read several critical analyses of safety cultures, or the lack thereof. Safety doesn’t just happen—it must be created by an organization and starts from the top down. One report discussed the global oil company BP’s oil refinery safety program. In 2005, the Texas City refinery explosion killed 15 people and injured more than 100 others. The analyses question how the British company would change the lack of safety culture at all five of its U.S. refineries. “Culture is forever,” said former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton of Washington, one of the 11 members of the panel led by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III. “To change hearts and minds and … the attitudes individuals have toward their jobs is difficult and a human task, and it’s never complete.”

Another disaster report discussed the January 28, 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster that occurred over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Central Florida at 11:39 a.m. EST. Seventy-three seconds into its flight the Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated after an O-ring seal on its right solid rocket booster failed. When the O-ring failed it allowed flames to leak from the solid rocket booster which shot out and caused structural failure of the external tank. A few seconds later the orbiter was destroyed along with all seven crew members.

Other major accidents that could have been avoided include the disasters at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. The immediate causes of these accidents were initially identified as human error or technical failure. Further investigations revealed there were issues beyond the immediate causes. These issues relate to wider considerations of the organization.

One investigation report of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant mishap stated: “… their belief in safety was a mirage, their systems inadequate, and operator errors commonplace … From the top to the bottom, the body corporate was infected with the disease of sloppiness.”

Is our belief in healthcare worker safety in our institutions a mirage? The definition of safety culture suggested by the Health and Safety Commission in the United Kingdom is: “The safety culture of an organization is the product of the individual and group values, attitudes, competencies and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization’s health and safety programs. Organizations with a positive safety culture are characterized by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety, and by confidence in the efficacy of preventative measures.”

What are the patterns of behavior at your facility? Does your institution support a safety culture or suppress it? The death of the seven astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003, was the result of leaders who failed to foster a culture in which discussions about potential risks could take place without any threats of reprimand. Is your institution creating an atmosphere that allows nurses, physicians, operating room technicians, custodians and others to make you aware of safety risks without risking their jobs?

Safety Culture—What Is It?

A safety culture influences the overall attitudes and behavior of an institution. We are all familiar with companies where the leadership and management style help the whole organization focus on the institutional mission and goals. As these goals filter down through all levels of these organizations, work processes are adapted to meet these goals. As these goals are adapted, they become the accepted norms for the workplace.

Employees and management share a commitment to ensure the safety of each other. Organizations that can put together a safety culture will find this value permeates all aspects of the work environment. Everyone is encouraged to take responsibility for their own safety as well is the safety of others.

How is the safety culture at your institution?

Scalpel Safety – Protecting Patients and Clinicians

Over the last 20 years I have visited many hospitals and clinics in a sharps injury prevention role.   I have enjoyed the opportunity of visiting with clinicians concerning safety products on an international basis and discussing sharps injury prevention.
Many institutions have become more compliant with the revised OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. Unfortunately, not all departments in hospitals are as compliant with  all  requirements  of the law. One area in the hospital struggling to be compliant  is  the  operating  room.  There  are many clinicians who are still hanging onto standard scalpels rather than making the conversion to safety scalpels.As we are all aware, scalpels are small but extremely razor-sharp knives used during surgery.
The razor-sharp blade is attached to a flat or round handle that is often very slippery. Accidents happen and the risk of injury and potential infection from bloodborne pathogens is very high.
Scalpel blade injuries are among the most frequent sharps injuries, second only to the ubiquitous needlestick. Scalpel injuries make up 7 percent to 8 percent of all sharps injuries. One of the challenges of scalpel blade injuries is their severity. Typically these scalpel blade injuries are deeper and more dramatic than needlestick injuries. It was estimated in 2005 that less than 5 percent of the acute care market for reusable scalpels had converted to the use of safety devices. For disposable scalpels in acute care the conversion was about 59 percent.
Why Don’t More Surgeons Use Safety Scalpels?
According to the literature there are a variety of reasons why many surgeons are are reluctant2 to adopt the use of safety scalpels. Some surgeons have indicated that they saw a patient safety issue because the safety scalpels were not rigid enough in their hand during deep tissue incisions. Another surgeon indicated that he found the sheet covering the blade awkward to use. He felt that it did not retract or slide back over the blade easily. Other reasons include: concerns for patient safety, felt too clumsy in their hand, obstructs vision of incision, etc.
One additional reason could be the current generation of safety scalpels are “active” safety devices, meaning the safety feature of the product has to be activated by the clinician. This is different than the passive blood collection devices that are on the market. These passive devices simply require the insertion of the needle into the patient to activate the safety feature. With a safety scalpel,   the safety feature has to be activated by retracting the blade or by shielding it following use.
In one study, sponsored by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the authors discovered the safety features of “active” safety devices (where the safety mechanism needs to be activated by the user, in contrast to “passive” safety devices where the safety mechanism is activated automatically) were not always activated. In fact,  the activation rates in their study ranged from a low of 17 percent to 90 percent. This was quite a range—the activation rates recorded in this study were 17 percent, 27 percent, 67 percent and 90 percent.
In yet another study, it was reported that 4.1 percent of the scalpel injuries inflected during the study were due to injuries suffered from safety scalpels. An additional 4.1 percent were injuries suffered from reusable scalpels. At first the authors thought that there were an equal number of injuries from safety scalpels as from reusable scalpels. However, this figure was misleading because there are not equal amounts of safety scalpels used as compared to reusable scalpels. Using the assumption that only 20 percent of scalpel usage has been converted to safety scalpels, this study indicates that there were actually four times more injuries with safety scalpels than reusable scalpels.

Handwashing in Hospitals Has Led to an Increase in Healthcare Worker Dermatitis

A new study from the University of Manchester has revealed that the incidence of dermatitis has increased 4.5 times in healthcare workers following increased hand hygiene as a drive to reduce infections such as MRSA has kicked in. Researchers from the university’s Institute of Population Health studied reports voluntarily submitted by dermatologists to a national database which is run by the university, between 1996 and 2012. Sixty percent of eligible UK dermatologists used this database which is designed to report skin problems caused or aggravated by work.

To read the entire article – click here!

Action on discarded needle danger in Dundee

Louise Kerr and her daughter Tia in the lane between Americanmuir Road and Turriff Place where the 10-year-old was jabbed by an abandoned needle.DC Thomson

Experts tackling Dundee’s drug problem want more information about where needles are discarded throughout the city.  The number of victims of needle injuries — often children who come to grief while playing — has sparked public outrage especially in the affected communities.


For The World’s 8th Biggest Killer, Viral Hepatitis is Remarkably Neglected

That’s why in 2010 the World Health Organization made World Hepatitis Day one of only 4 official disease-specific world health days, to be celebrated each year on the 28th July. Millions of people across the world now take part in World Hepatitis Day, to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, and to call for access to treatment, better prevention programs and governments


How to Make a Claim Following a Needle Stick Injury Suffered in the Workplace

It is a well known fact that healthcare workers are most at risk of needle-stick injuries in the workplace. Healthcare workers do not only include clinical staff (i.e. doctors and nurses etc.), but non-clinical ancillary staff such as receptionists and ward clerks who may have social contact with patients. However, these are not the only group of workers that are vulnerable and needle-stick injuries also occur in other areas of work such as the police force and amongst youth workers, who are all constantly at risk.


Safe and Comfortable Lancing

Lancing is necessary for blood glucose testing. It is important that lancing can not only be safe but comfortable. Read some stories from individuals that have used lancets that have made a difference in their lives!

Click here to read more.