Safety Product Category
Safety Syringe
Safety Syringe
Safety Syringes provide for the safety of healthcare workers, custodial staff, and waste management personnel. Following an injection a sheath is placed over the needle or the needle retracts into the barrel protecting healthcare workers and others from accidental needlestick injuries.SAFER® SYRINGE
The Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle has several safety features that ensure accurate dosing of the drug, allow the needle to automatically retract at the end of the injection, avoid contact between the operator and the patient, and prevent the reuse of the device.
Devices like the Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle will eliminate the risk of re-use and, therefore, the possibility of cross-contamination between users. In addition, they will remove the NSI risk to healthcare workers, eradicate the problem of scavenging and resale, and dispel the risk of poor waste management.
For more information about the Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle contact or phone +39 030 672 310 .