Safety IV Access Products

Safety Product Category

Safety IV Access Products

Safety IV access products allow for infusion into an IV line without using sharp hypodermic syringe needles. This protects the clinician and others from unnecessary needlestick injuries.

IV Access Products

Monoject BlunTip® and Lifeshield® IV Access products enhance clinician safety by eliminating exposed needles from the I.V. infusion procedure. BlunTip cannula fit a wide variety of pre-pierced ports, including Baxter Interlink©, McGaw SafeLine©, and Alaris VersaSafe© products.

Safety Intermaxillary Fixation

Safety Product Category

Safety Intermaxillary Fixation

Having your mouth wired shut with the traditional method was painful for the patient and put the clinician in constant danger of being stuck with the twisted wire ends. With newer technologies, the risk of glove puncture and exposure to HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C is virtually eliminated.

   Scenes like these can be frightening to clinicians! Intermaxillary fixation has typically required the use of wire with many loose ends capable of puncturing latex gloves and creating percutaneous injuries. The HIV or Hepatitis status of patients is rarely known. This sets up an unacceptable risk for the clinician. Newer methods of intermaxillary fixation can minimize these risks.

Safety Huber Needle

Safety Product Category

Safety Huber Needle

Huber needles are used to administer chemotherapy, antibiotics, and TPN through an implanted IV port. These Needles may be left in the port for many days at a time. It can be difficult to de-access, or extract the needle safely. The difficulty of pulling the needle out often creates a recoil action with the clinician often getting a needle stuck into the stabilizing hand. A Safety Huber needle retracts or shields the needle upon removal from the implanted port preventing the potential of recoil resulting in an accidental needlestick.

K-Shield Advantage™ Port Access Infusion Needle

Kawasumi brings you K-Shield AdvantageTM, a totally integrated device for optimal non-coring Huber needle stick protection. K-Shield complies with all OSHA standards and has unmatched advantages.

It’s been carefully designed with user needs in mind. For example, it’s clinician friendly and easy to use, especially when activating the safety mechanism. The audible click can be heard clearly to acknowledge the needle is locked and enclosed during activation. Kawasumi’s K-Shield port access infusion sets are available in both straight tubing and needleless “Y” site offerings. And, pinch clamps are color coded according to needle gauge.

Of course, you’re concerned about patient comfort. Kawasumi has addressed this issue with a lubricated needle which reduces patient discomfort when port is accessed as well upon needle removal.

Also, K-Shield has one of the lowest profiles in the industry, making dressings simple and efficient. This also improves patient comfort during long infusion times. The ridges on the bottom plate enable skin to breath, further improving patient comfort.

Safety Heel Stick Devices

Safety Product Category

Safety Heel Stick Devices

A collection of capillary blood is obtained by pricking the skin on the heel and collecting a drop or two of blood on a test strip on into a small container. The area is cleansed with antiseptic and punctured with a sharp needle or a lancet. The blood may be collected in a pipette, on a slide, onto a test strip, or into a small container. When using standard needles or lancets this leaves sharps that can accidentally stick a healthcare worker or others. Newer technologies exist that eliminate the sharps injury potential

Heel sticks with a standard needle or lancet create potential needlesticks to healthcare workers and others.


Unistik 3 Neonatal featuring Comfort Zone Technology is an extremely easy and comfortable way to obtain a blood sample.

It is designed to ensure the highest level of safety for the healthcare professional and their patients.

The Unistik 3 lancet is pre-set and covered with a protective sterile cap. There is no need to load the lancet or prime the device prior to use. You simply twist off the protective cap and the device is ready for use.

The Unistik 3 lancet is pre-set and covered with a protective sterile cap.

The Unistik 3 needlepoint is hidden before use and automatically retracts after use to avoid needlestick injuries and cross infection.

Unistik 3 has an additional visual lockout feature. Should an attempt be made to misuse the device by trying to re-prime the lancet there is a clear indication to the operator that the device has been used and should be disposed of in a suitable sharps container.

The Unistik 3 Neonatal device is designed especially for blood sampling from the babies’ heel with a puncture depth of only 1.8mm. The lancet has Special Asymmetric Grinding to give optimal blood flow and reduced pain for the baby.

Safety Drug Reconstituttion Systems

Safety Product Category

Safety Drug Reconstituttion Systems

When working with lyophilized medications it is necessary to mix them with a diluent. Standard methods of doing this requires the use of a needle and syringe to pull up diluent and then mix the drug, thus exposing healthcare workers to unnecessary needlestick injuries. New safer drug transfer devices for the reconstitution of drugs are available that bypass the use of needles prevention the risk of needlestick injuries.

The MixJect™ System

The MixJect™ system enables the safe, rapid and easy preparation of lyophilized drugs. MixJect is a single unit for reconstituting a powder drug with a diluent prefilled syringe.

The Mix2Vial™ Needleless System

Mix2Vial™ needleless system enables simple, fast, vial-to-vial transfer and mixing between two vials for the reconstitution of lyophilized drug products.

The Needleless Transfer Device

The Needleless Transfer Device enables the rapid transfer of a diluent into powder vials for mixing and drug reconstitution. The use of a single device allows a closed system preparation.

Vial Adapters

Vial adapters enable rapid drug transfer and reconstitution and are a cost-effective solution for the safe and rapid transfer and reconstitution of drugs between vials. Adapters enable the optimal aspiration of mixed and reconstituted drugs.

Safety Cord Clamping/Cutting

Safety Product Category

Safety Cord Clamping/Cutting

The umbilical cord of infants is typically cut by placing two plastic clamps on the cord and then severing the cord with scissors. It is important that the cord cutting be performed with sterile instruments. Both disposable and reusable scissors are a potential source of sharps injuries to healthcare workers and others. Newer technologies exist that can take the risk of a sharps injury out of this procedure.

Safety Cord Blood Collection

Safety Product Category

Safety Cord Blood Collection

Following the delivery of a child, several samples of umbilical cord blood are taken for testing. This is typically done by cutting the umbilical cord and inserting a large gauge needle into the cord to draw a sample. Newer technologies eliminate this needlestick risk.
Umbilical cord blood is frequently drawn in order to perform a number of general purpose diagnostic tests in the 4 million births in the US each year. Test that are commonly performed on the umbilical cord blood include routine blood work such as blood type, blood pH, CBC, etc. When a baby is delivered, the umbilical cord is typically clamped and cut. Before the placenta is delivered, the obstetrician or midwife inserts a blood bag needle into the umbilical vein. The blood flows into the bag by gravity until the umbilical cord is completely drained. The blood bag is clamped, sealed and labeled. This umbilical cord blood collection typically takes 2-4 minutes. Newer technologies exist that take the risk of a needlestick injury out of this procedure.

Safety Cerclage Cables

Safety Product Category

Safety Cerclage Cables

During hip replacement and treatment of associated peri-prosthetic fractures, it is often necessary to hold the bone or fragments of bone together to create a stable environment for healing to occur. This is typically done with metal wires or cables using a technique called Cerclage (ser-klahzh.) A cerclage wire or cable is wound around a bone or bony fragments to hold them together to allow them to heal.

Although wire cerclage has had numerous applications in orthopedics as a primary method of fracture fixation it also has several disadvantages. Monofilament wires are prone to breakage. Multi-filament cables are subject to fatigue and fraying, releasing metallic particulate debris into the body. The metal wire or cable can break causing an interruption of the blood supply to the bone. The metal can also fray and fret causing tissue irritation and a source of bloodborne pathogen exposure to clinicians. Newer safety products are available that can help minimize this risk

SuperCable Iso-Elastic Cerclage

Imagine being an orthopedic surgeon and knowing that your patient’s artificial hip is worn out or loose. You have made the necessary incisions and are now ready to insert your hands into the open wound so that you can palpate around the hip to see the extent of the damage.

As you get ready to place your hands into the tissue, you think to yourself “I have a pretty good chance of getting stuck on a cabling wire that is surrounding the bone. Will I get stuck? What was this patient’s hepatitis or HIV status?”

What would you do? This is a real concern facing surgeons and their staff every time that they perform an orthopedic surgery.

During hip replacement and treatment of associated peri-prosthetic fractures, it is often necessary to hold the bone or fragments of bone together to create a stable environment for healing to occur. This is typically done with metal wires or cables using a technique called Cerclage (ser-klahzh.) A cerclage wire or cable is wound around a bone or bony fragments to hold together to allow them to heal.

Wire cerclage cables have several disadvantages and are prone to breakage. They are subject to fatigue and fraying, releasing metallic particulate debris into the body.


When trimmed to length the traditional cerclage cabling has many sharp ends that can tear gloves resulting in the loss of valuable operating room time to change gloves. It also can injure the clinician. Sharp metal cable ends can cause “wire stick” type injuries that pose a risk of disease transmission to surgeons and surgical staff. When a clinician is stuck by one of these wires it can tear the glove breaking the sterile barrier thereby placing the patient at risk of infection and exposing the clinician to blood-borne pathogens.

A new product can eliminate “wire stick” injuries to clinicians. The SuperCable Iso-Elastic Cerclage, is manufactured by Kinamed Inc. (Camarillo, CA, USA) and has been used in several thousand procedures worldwide since being introduced in 2003. This elastomeric polymer cable consists of a nylon core encased in a jacket of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) braided fibers.

This combination of materials results in a flexible, soft cable that exhibits extremely high fatigue strength. Fatigue failure is primary mode of failure of metallic cerclage wires and cables.

The SuperCable system cables can be re-tensioned effectively when multiple cables are applied. This reduces the need to cut off and discard metal cables that have become loose after additional cables have been applied and tensioned. Over time, this feature will reduce the total number of cables required for a given procedure.

Post operative x-ray of four SuperCables wrapped around an allograft strut and hip prosthesis in revision hip replacement surgery. Note the SuperCables are radiolucent except for their locking clasp.

The SuperCable has fatigue strength superior to both metal wire and cables thereby reducing complications due to breakage. It also eliminates cable-generated metal particle debris that has been shown to greatly increase wear in adjacent total joints.

The cables are easy and quick to manipulate within the wound. Since the product is made of a polymer it contains no metal cable that can contact metallic implants and has no sharp ends to irritate patient tissue or cut surgeon’s gloves

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Safety Capillary Blood Collection Systems

Safety Product Category

Safety Capillary Blood Collection Systems

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MiniCollect® Capillary Blood Collection System

The special circumstances relating to blood collection from small children places extra demands on the performance of a capillary blood collection system. Therefore, optimizing the technical aspects of the blood collection system can contribute to a simplified collection procedure.

The new MiniCollect® tube shape is designed to facilitate thorough mixing of the blood with individual tube additives. The incorporated skirt at the base of the tube allows for the tube to be left safely standing when necessary.

A visual control of the filling quantity is possible via graduation marks. The flexible rubber cap is equipped with so-called “Cross-Cuts“, which allow for filling or the collection of the blood sample without the need for opening the tube. This closed system prevents any aerosol effect and therefore any contamination.

MiniCollect® tubes can be used in conjunction with either a funnel or a capillary. Greiner Bio-One is certified to ISO 9001 and EN 46001. For more information: