Safety Blood Donor Needles

Safety Product Category

Safety Blood Donor Needles

Safety blood donor needles help to transfer blood from a blood donor into donor bags. Following the blood donation the needle is retracted or shielded to prevent needlestick to healthcare workers and others.


The DonorCare® Needleguard is a simple but effective needle guard. It has been developed as and aid in the prevention of needle stick injury to the healthcare worker, donors, cleaning staff, contaminated waste disposal staff and the public at large.

Donor Care® locks into the SampLok® protecting both the donor and sampling needles.

The hinged assembly provides flexibility allowing the Donor Care® to be attached during blood collection or at the time of blood pack manufacture

The Donor Care® and SampLok® are compatible for use with current blood collection sets produced by all major manufacturers.


  • Immediate shielding of needle on withdrawal from vein
  • The needle shielding is always engaged from behind the needle assembly
  • Prevents rotation of needle hub, reducing risk of haematoma formation
    Donor Care® has a two-stage engagement mechanism:
    • Engaged position: Stabilises the needle hub whilst allowing for needle adjustment during collection
    • Locked position: Shields and locks the needle preventing any possibility of needle stick injury

For more information click here.

Safety Bleeding-time Devices

Safety Product Category

Safety Bleeding-time Devices

Bleeding time measures the length of time that bleeding occurs after a wound is made. Bleeding time provides information about platelet count and platelet function. Bleeding time is usually within a normal range when the platelet count is greater than 100,000. Bleeding Time Test Devices typically make a standardized incision in the skin of the volar aspect of the forearm. The time when bleeding ceases is reported. This procedure was performed in the past by a lancet stab to the ear lobe or to the forearm. These techniques are now considered obsolete. Modern devices now make uniform, reproducible, surgical incisions for accurate sensitive bleeding time testing. Safety bleeding time devices retract the incision blade for safety to healthcare workers and others.

Heel sticks with a standard needles or lancets create potential needlesticks to healthcare workers and others.

Safety versions of bleeding time incision products are now available.

Safety Arterial Blood Collection Systems

Safety Product Category

Safety Arterial Blood Collection Systems

Closed arterial blood collection systems allow clinicians access to arterial blood without having to use a needle.

DiaLines® Bloodlines Saf T

DiaLines® Saf T allows for needle-free access on both the arterial and venous line. Blood samples and medications can be administered safely.

For more information about the DiaLines® SAF “T” contact the Renal Therapies Division by calling: 1-800-848-2066, by email:

Safety Angiography Needles

Safety Product Category

Safety Angiography Needles

Safety angiography needles are designed to obtain access to the vasculature of the patient without compromising the safety of the clinician. The needle is used during the seldinger or modified seldinger technique for initial access to the vasculature. Following the needle insertion into the patient’s vasculature, a guidewire is inserted through the needle. The needle is removed from off the guidewire. During this process the needle is protected thus preventing a needlestick to the clinician.

Safety Ampoule Breaker

Safety Product Category

Safety Ampoule Breaker

Ampoules are small glass vessels in which liquids for injections are hermetically sealed. A typical pharmaceutical ampoule has a narrow neck between a cylindrical body and a conical tip. They are opened by snapping off the glass top at the neck. The scoring at the neck does not always break where it is intended. This is due to the glass re-melding to some degree at the score line. When the cap is snapped off, glass chips can fly off and a jagged or sharp edge can cut the hands of the healthcare worker. Safer products exist that remove the risk of broken glass cuts when breaking off the glass top.


Qlicksmart SnapIT

Qlicksmart SnapIT is a simply safer way to open glass ampoules, avoiding the unacceptable painful injuries which could be quite serious at times. This easy-to-use multi-use ampoule opener reduces the risk of sustaining a sharps injury by keeping hands out of harm’s way.

SnapIT is simple, safe and cost effective as it 

is reusable and comes in different sizes compatible with different ranges of ampoule sizes.

Safety Amniotic Needle

Safety Product Category

Safety Amniotic Needle

Amniocentesis is a procedure where fluid is aspirated out of the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac is the fluid-filled structure inside the pregnant uterus where the fetus grows. Fetal urine, fetal cells, and various proteins move freely within this sac. During amniocentesis, a long needle is placed through the abdominal wall and into the amniotic sac. Once the needle is in the amniotic sac, a syringe is used to aspirate the amniotic fluid. The fluid is then sent for evaluation. New technologies provide amniocentesis needles that automatically protect the user from needlesticks.

Amniocentesis Needle

Curity Amniocentesis Tray

The Curity Amniocentesis Tray is a high-quality disposable tray that contains all the componnts necessary for the aspiration of amniotic fluid. Features a 20ga x 3 1/2″ Amniocentesis Needle.

Retractable Scalpel

Safety Product Category

Retractable Scalpel

Retractable scalpels are designed to provide safety to health care providers from sharp edge related injuries. The scalpel blade retracts to hide the scalpel edges from accidentally injuring healthcare workers and others.

Finally, there is a reusable safety scalpel that is just like a standard reusable scalpel with a protective shield/guard.

With the Reusable Saf-T-Scalpel there is full blade size visualization during use and easy one-hand blade removal.

  • This innovative product has been designed to protect the practitioner’s hands during surgery.
  • It is the ultimate in safety since it is a patent pending design with audible click and tactile sensation to confirm the lock is in place.
  • It has a fully secure hidden ruler that is exposed while the blade is concealed and protected.
  • It has a built-in single handed blade remover so there will be no accidental cutting of the practitioner during surgery.
  • Autoclavable – Reusable.
  • There are multiple sized handles to choose from. Our products meet and exceed OSHA, CDC, JCAHO and AORN standards. We suggest that you comply with current OSHA laws pertaining to Sharps Safety in Surgery by using our sharps safety products to avoid being cited for repeated sharps safety violations.

For further information, please contact:

Advanced Medical Innovations
Mission Industrial Park
8741 Shirley Avenue, Northridge, CA
91324 USA
Phone: (818) 701-7180 (888) 367-2641
Fas: (818) 701-9708 EFax: (818) 350-5738

Retractable Needles

Safety Product Category

Retractable Needles

After the medication is infused into the patient the retraction mechanism is activated and the needle is retracted into the barrel of the syringe.


The Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle has several safety features that ensure accurate dosing of the drug, allow the needle to automatically retract at the end of the injection, avoid contact between the operator and the patient, and prevent the reuse of the device.

Devices like the Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle will eliminate the risk of re-use and, therefore, the possibility of cross-contamination between users. In addition, they will remove the NSI risk to healthcare workers, eradicate the problem of scavenging and resale, and dispel the risk of poor waste management. 

For more information about the Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle contact or phone  +39 030 672 310.

Recapping Device

Safety Product Category

Recapping Device

Sometimes it is necessary to recap a needle. These devices keep your hand out of the way of the needle, thus minimizing the potential of a needlestick injury.

Anesthesia Rack

The 4-Up Operating Room Syringe and Anesthesia Rack is the ultimate in the one-handed operation of syringe needle recapping and exchanging during surgical and anesthesia procedures.

  • This innovative recapping device has been specifically designed to handle many of the different styles of syringes used in today’s O.R.
  • It is the ultimate in safety since all syringes lay flat and have a specific slot that snuggly holds the syringe while recapping and needle exchanging.
  • It protects the practitioner’s hands from hypodermic needles unlike anything else available in the market today.
  • Each rack can accommodate 4 syringes and the racks can be attached together should the need arise for additional syringes.
  • Standard syringes and needles can be used eliminating the costly expense of safety syringes and needles which cost up to 5 times more than the standard.
  • Our products meet and exceed OSHA, CDC, JCAHO and AORN standards. We suggest that you comply with current OSHA laws pertaining to Sharps Safety in Surgery by using our sharps safety products to avoid being cited for repeated sharps safety violations.

For further information, please contact:

Advanced Medical Innovations

Mission Industrial Park

8741 Shirley Avenue, Northridge, CA

91324 USA

Phone: (818) 701-7180 (888) 367-2641

Fax: (818) 701-9708 EFax: (818) 350-5738



Protective Safety Scalpel Handle

Safety Product Category

Protective Safety Scalpel Handle

Unlike typical safety scalpels, this safety products category allows clinicians to use their own scalpel blade and then be able to cover it up with the safety shield. The protective safety shield covers up the scalpel in between uses rendering it safer for clinicians.

Ansell Change-A-Blade™

What is a Change-A-Blade™?
Your #3 handle with PROTECTION!

  • Use your own blade
  • Un-obscured field of vision
  • Uninterrupted puncture-ability
  • Weighted to the feel of a #3 Handle
  • Protective Safety Shield

Click here for more information