Sharps Containers for Public Restrooms

Safety Product Category

Sharps Containers for Public Restrooms

Sharps Containers for Public Restrooms

Each year, three billion needles and other sharps are disposed outside of the hospital and other healthcare settings, including those used by individuals with illnesses such as HIV or hepatitis. These discarded sharps expose the general population to the risk of disease transmission through needle stick injuries.

The Sharps Secure® Collection System is a containment and disposal method designed specifically for public restrooms. It provides self-injecting employees and customers a way to properly dispose of their sharps while away from home. The system is currently used in malls, restaurants, office buildings and industrial facilities.

The Sharps Secure Collection System features a sturdy, lockable collection cabinet that allows entry by authorized personnel only. When the sharps container inside the cabinet is full, it is placed in a USPS approved Sharps Disposal By Mail Systems® shipping box for transport and safe disposal.

For more information click here.

Sharps Biohazard Spill Clean-up

Safety Product Category

Sharps Biohazard Spill Clean-up

Sharps Biohazard Spill Clean-up

Cleaning up bodily fluids such as blood, vomit, or urine isn’t just unpleasant—it presents a potential health hazard. it is important to clean up these potential health hazards without creating new ones for those kind individuals that end up cleaning up the mess.

Sharps Biohazard Cleanup Kit and Disposal System

Our Sharps Biohazard Spill Clean-Up Kit™ provides a safe way to properly handle biohazard substances.

The Sharps Biohazard Spill Clean-Up Kit and Disposal System is the only complete solution for both cleanup and disposal by mail of bio-hazardous spills. It provides everything needed for the cleanup and disposal of biohazard fluids. It also provides a safe, simple, and regulatory-compliant method to remove these materials from your facility.

The cleanup kit, transportation, and destruction are all included in the price of the kit. The Sharps Biohazard Spill Clean-Up Kit is available in two convenient sizes to cleanup spills.


  • Compliance with federal, state and municipal regulations
  • Only buy what you need and use as needed
  • Elimination of expensive or unnecessary pick-ups by medical waste haulers
  • No contract requirement
  • No red bags in the trash
  • Immediate dispose
  • Transportation of waste via the U.S. Postal Service


Each kit includes:

  • 1 or 2-gallon mail-back bucket (sharps may be
    placed into this bucket)
  • A protective plastic safety apron with sleeves
  • 2 pair of protective non-latex gloves
  • 1 Mask and face shield combination
  • Protective hair and shoe covers
  • 1 package of absorbent material
  • Scraper and shovel
  • 1 bottle of EPA-registered cleaner and disinfectant
  • 1 hand cleaning towelette
  • Absorbent towels
  • 1 full set of instructions in both English and Spanish
  • 1 Sharps Disposal by Mail packaging system (postage prepaid)
    Item Number #51000
  • Also available in a 2-gallon size

Scalpel Blade Remover

Safety Product Category

Scalpel Blade Remover

Scalpel Blade Remover

Removal of scalpel blades by hand is a practice that increases exposure to bloodborne and contact pathogens and can often lead to percutaneous injury. There are safer methods of removing a scalpel blade from its holder that will prevent these sharps injuries from occurring.

Safety Waste Disposal

Safety Product Category

Safety Waste Disposal

Safety Waste Disposal

Historically, the procedures for emptying a blood-filled control syringe in a cardiology catheter lab meant purging it into a bowl or basin on the table. This often resulted in the splashing of blood on work surfaces, floors, and often co-workers. OSHA has demanded that unnecessary exposure to bloodborne pathogens be removed from the work site. Safer alternatives to this open basis squirt are available to collect bodily fluids. These safety products minimize exposure by preventing the splash-back of blood and other body fluids.

Safety Venous Blood Collection Systems

Safety Product Category

Safety Venous Blood Collection Systems

Safety Venous Blood Collection Systems

Closed venous blood collection systems allow clinicians access to venous blood without having to use a needle.

DiaLines® Saf T allows for needle-free access on both the arterial and venous line. Blood samples and medications can be administered safely.

For more information about the DiaLines® SAF “T” contact the Renal Therapies Division by calling: 1-800-848-2066, by

Safety Vascular Access Needles

Safety Product Category

Safety Vascular Access Needles

Safety Vascular Access Needles

Safety vascular access needles are designed to obtain access to the vasculature of the patient for a variety of procedures including cardiology and radiology, without compromising the safety of the clinician. The needle is used for initial access to the vasculature. Following the needle insertion into the patient’s vasculature, a guidewire is inserted through the needle. The needle is removed from off the guidewire. During this process the needle is protected thus preventing a needlestick to the clinician.

Cardiologists and Radiologists have traditionally been fairly resistant to using safety needles. SecureLoc is a very good replacement for standard introducer needles because it looks and feels just like a conventional product. This is very important to clinicians.

One of the major complaints that Cardiologists and Radiologists have with existing safety introducer needles is that they don’t feel like ‘real introducer needles.’

This concern about the tactile response of the introducer needle has kept many clinicians using conventional introducer needles, despite the risk of injury. With the SecureLoc Safety Introducer Needle, Cardiologists and Radiologists can use a safety product that is like the needles they are used to, without compromising their own safety or that of their colleagues.

The SecureLoc Safety Introducer Needle is 7 cm (2¾ inches) long and is offered in18 gauge, 19 gauge, and 21 gauge sizes. The ergonomic hub design is crystal clear for easy flashback visualization. The needle has a proprietary coating for optimum insertion control. It has an unobstructed pass-through, which allows for easy threading of the guidewire. One of the unique features of this safety introducer needle is that the safety feature automatically senses the needle tip and locks out to encapsulate the needle – even over a guidewire! The size of the needle allows the product to be used not only in Interventional Radiology, Interventional Cardiology and general vascular access, but in a variety of categories that do not currently have a safety solution.

SecureLoc™ Safety Introducer Needle

The SecureLoc™ Safety Introducer Needle is safe and simple to use. It looks and acts just like a standard introducer needle. However, at the hub there is a small “safety capsule.”

This integral safety capsule automatically senses the end of the needle and instantly locks out to fully encapsulate the needle tip. This safety feature eliminates the risk of getting stuck with an introducer needle.

The product is easy to use. The needle is inserted into the vascular just like a conventional needle. The needle is pulled out of the blood vessel with the dominant hand, while the non-dominant hand holds onto the safety capsule. The safety device is activated while the needle is being pulled out of the patient. The safety feature automatically detects the end of the needle and locks permanently into place.

One clinician said “The SecureLoc Safety Introducer Needle is designed for percutaneous entry and is easy to use, smooth, and intuitive. After accessing a vessel and inserting the guidewire, the safety guard may be activated before removing the needle off the guidewire for enhanced safety. SecureLoc introducer needles are designed for percutaneous access for all appropriate patient populations. The integral safety guard is not bulky or obtrusive and does not interfere with access during a vascular procedure. SecureLoc is safe, simple and effective.”

For more information click here.

Safety Transfer Trays

Safety Product Category

Safety Transfer Trays

Safety Tranfer Trays

The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard states that facilities should use proper work practices to help eliminate needlesticks and other sharps injuries. A “No-hands” procedure or “neutral zone” helps to eliminate hand-to-hand instrument passing in the operating room. One method of accomplishing this neutral zone is through the use of safety transfer trays. A clinician will place a sharps instrument into the tray and the tray is passed or placed into a neutral zone rather than the sharps instrument being passed.

Sharps Passing Tray

A lightweight, unique, purpose designed, single-use device that provides a secure ‘hands free’ transfer medium for passing sharp instruments, thus reducing the risk of third party inflicted sharps injuries

  • Central cavity design ensures all sharp instruments are safely shielded during the transfer from person to person

  • Versatile cavity accepts scalpels, needle holders, syringes and all sharp instruments (e.g. scissors, trocars etc)

  • Retrieval groove is sited centrally to ensure that all instruments are picked up safely, away from the sharp aspect

  • Two trays may be joined to allow safe, ‘hands free’ transfer of multiple instruments

  • International bio-hazardous waste colour identification


Hands-Free Transfer Trays

Protect your staff from sharp injuries by establishing a neutral or safe zone within the sterile field where sharps and only sharps are placed one at a time for retrieval.

Z-Tray™ – Disposable tray provides for “hands-free” transfer of sharps. Stretch-A-Tray™ Extendable Hands Free Transfer Tray For Those Longer Scalpel Handles and Instruments.

For more information click here.

Safety Syringe Transportation

Safety Product Category

Safety syringe transportation

Safety Syringe Transportation

Safety standards are designed to keep employees healthy. These safety standards include work practices and engineered safety products. Safe work practices include proper methods of storage, labeling, decontamination and transportation of various sharps. Alternatives are available for the safe transportation of hypodermic needles.

Would you like to carry hypodermics from the prison pharmacy to the infirmary in your hand or would you prefer a more secure method of carrying them?

Products are available that can can protect the healthcare giver even in these type of situations.

Safety Syringe

Safety Product Category

Safety Syringe

Safety Syringe

Safety Syringes provide for the safety of healthcare workers, custodial staff, and waste management personnel. Following an injection a sheath is placed over the needle or the needle retracts into the barrel protecting healthcare workers and others from accidental needlestick injuries.


The Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle has several safety features that ensure accurate dosing of the drug, allow the needle to automatically retract at the end of the injection, avoid contact between the operator and the patient, and prevent the reuse of the device.

Devices like the Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle will eliminate the risk of re-use and, therefore, the possibility of cross-contamination between users. In addition, they will remove the NSI risk to healthcare workers, eradicate the problem of scavenging and resale, and dispel the risk of poor waste management. 

For more information about the Safer® Passive Safety Syringe with Retractable Needle contact or phone +39 030 672 310 .

Safety Suture Removal Devices

Safety Product Category

Safety Suture REmoval Devices

Safety Suture Removal Devices

Scissors or scalpels have traditionally been used to cut sutures prior to removal. Safety Suture Removers reduce likelihood of sharps injuriese

Traditional suture removal has required the use of scissors/scalpels and forceps to cut and remove sutures. Newer products can slice through “cat-gut” without cutting clinicians, custodial staff or waste management workers.